
Showing posts from April, 2018

What is Zachman Framework?

The Zachman framework originated in the famous Information System architecture paper ("A Framework for Information Systems Architecture"), completed by Mr. John Zachman in 1987, and has been developed to date. In this paper, Mr. Zachman the various elements related to information system architecture design from two dimensions to the following tables: ( Image source: Visual Paradigm's Zachman Framework tool ) Each row in the table represents the perspective used by a stakeholder involved in the construction of the information system, including: Scope Contexts : Contains a list of the environmental contexts in which the entire information system description is located, constraints originating from within and from outside, and other relevant components to be considered in the description of the information system under other perspectives. Business Concepts : A conceptual view of the end product that reflects the usage characteristics of the final product, that is, ...

Enterprise Architecture - Organizational Roles and Skills

Scrum development will have three roles: PO, Scrum Master, and Development Team. What are the roles of the development enterprise architecture? What skills are required for each role to be able to take on the work of the architecture? This article describes the role and skill requirements in architecture development so that everyone knows who will do it when implementing TOGAF and what skills need to be improved or improved. Software development management is more complicated, and the development and management of the architecture is more complicated. Since there is no specific practice yet, for the time being there is no in-depth understanding and refinement of these contents. The following describes most of the framework capabilities framework from TOGAF . Emerging corporate architect role The role of the enterprise architect is described in TOGAF or Non-TOGAF: Extending Enterprise Architecture over RUP . Enterprise architects are thought leaders, visionaries, and industry ...

Implementing Enterprise Architecture - An Introduction

IT is not only a means to conduct business, but is rapidly evolving into a business. IT performance will directly affect the profitability of the company. However, many companies do not have timely or adequately involved IT organizations in the business planning and decision-making process, and are not given in planning and IT issues such as security, scalability, and integration issues considered in the IT decision-making process are sufficiently valued. Complexity drives change There are many drawbacks in the traditional application integration methods. It is difficult to solve the whole enterprise integration problem by merely transferring data in two databases or calling interfaces between them. Whether in theory or in practice, such an integrated approach is meant to mean the failure of the project. Simply thinking about the integrated system from a technical point of view can only be said to be a means of technology realization. However, to really exert the value of IT, t...

Reasons of Learning TOGAF

In fact, from the perspective of the enterprise's overall situation, the enterprise architecture examines the relationship between the internal business, applications, data, and technology, and sets out and plans the development of the entire enterprise based on the company's strategic vision. The main problems solved by the enterprise architecture are reflected in the following two aspects: Solve the complexity of internal information systems Solve the serious disconnect between IT and business The information construction of a company is a complex project that does not happen overnight. Enterprise architecture provides a blueprint for the construction of enterprise information. It is like building a building and drawing. Engineers know how to systematically build the entire building instead of taking it for granted. There are good plans for what to do, and so is the maturity of the business. Nowadays, when many companies are doing IT planning and design, IT is often...

Benefits of TOGAF

There are many methodologies for enterprise architecture. The largest and most well-known market share is the TOGAF enterprise architecture methodology of The Open Group , an international non-profit organization. The Open Group began developing system architecture standards in response to customer requests in 1993 and published the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) framework in 1995. TOGAF is based on the US Department of Defense 's Technical Architecture for Information Management (TAFIM). It is based on an iterative process model that supports best practices and a set of reusable existing infrastructure assets. It allows companies to design, evaluate, and build the right architecture for the organization. The key to TOGAF is the Architecture Development Method (ADM): a reliable, proven method to develop an enterprise architecture that meets business needs. TOGAF provides a flexible and scalable architecture framework to help companies complete the informationizati...

Introduction to Enterprise Architecture Framework

Through the development of enterprise architecture, we can see that after decades of development, the industry has emerged a lot of enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture framework theory. In this chapter, the author will select several major enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture frameworks to elaborate. It should be noted that although this chapter is named "Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Architecture Framework", due to the characteristics of enterprise architecture, its true form varies greatly among different enterprises. Even the federal enterprise architecture provides only five Layer reference model only, so the summary of the enterprise architecture can not be carried out one by one, and as a method to guide the creation of enterprise architecture, that is, the enterprise architecture framework, due to its standardized features, will be the focus of this chapter's content. Of course, even if the enterprise architecture framework h...

History of Enterprise Architecture

To learn any theory, I think the best way to get started is to explore its historical roots and development process, so as to clarify the true reasons for the theory, and to prevent readers from falling into the obscure vortex shared by various theories at first. Ultimately, even why the school is not clear. The same goes for learning about enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture framework theory. Enterprise architecture is a set of theories developed since the 1970s and 1980s. Many different theoretical frameworks for enterprise architecture have been derived during the development of these decades, and many large international companies and governments have In the process of repeated exploration, an enterprise architecture that meets their respective characteristics has been created, and the methodology on how to establish an enterprise architecture, the enterprise architecture framework, and the corresponding enterprise architecture tools have also been widely used in t...

Enterprise Architecture - Background and Basic Concepts

Since the middle and late last century, with the development of information technology, various industries, manufacturing industries, and even people's daily life areas have achieved rapid development in automation and efficiency. Increased investment in information technology has created a virtuous circle. It can be said that with the development of information technology, people's working methods have gradually changed from the traditional "blue-collar type" work methods to "white-collar type" work methods. With the passage of time, the information systems in enterprises are becoming more and more complex, and the relationship between business and information systems is becoming increasingly close, which makes the information system in the organization or enterprise directly affect the strength of its competitiveness.With the evolution of the trend toward automation and efficiency, organizations and companies have embarked on a "technology-driven...