Benefits of TOGAF

There are many methodologies for enterprise architecture. The largest and most well-known market share is the TOGAF enterprise architecture methodology of The Open Group, an international non-profit organization. The Open Group began developing system architecture standards in response to customer requests in 1993 and published the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) framework in 1995. TOGAF is based on the US Department of Defense's Technical Architecture for Information Management (TAFIM). It is based on an iterative process model that supports best practices and a set of reusable existing infrastructure assets. It allows companies to design, evaluate, and build the right architecture for the organization. The key to TOGAF is the Architecture Development Method (ADM): a reliable, proven method to develop an enterprise architecture that meets business needs.

TOGAF provides a flexible and scalable architecture framework to help companies complete the informationization of business goals. The reference architecture and framework are equivalent to the architecture template. Through the template, the enterprise architecture can be implemented quickly and optimally.

TOGAF benefits include:
  1. Increased flexibility: Build service-based IT applications to facilitate rapid transformation, reengineering business processes, and using applications
  2. Agility: Faster Application of Alignment Services
  3. Increase revenue: Provide opportunities to use existing business capabilities to enter new markets. Use new and innovative methods, and adopt a loosely coupled IT service to provide new and better business services to increase market share.
  4. Reduce costs: By providing opportunities to incorporate redundant application functions and decoupling functions from outdated and increasingly expensive applications while leveraging existing investments
  5. Convergence: Integration of applications and organizations across silos


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