Background of Enterprise Architecture (EA)

With the extensive and in-depth penetration of information technology, the level of social informatization in countries around the world continues to increase, and human society is accelerating into the information society. In this wave of rapid development of information, all kinds of economic and social activities are accelerating transformation. Whether it is production tools, production objects, or business management methods, or even people's lifestyles, the value of information technology is getting higher and higher. Whether it is the management of a company, the management of a government department, or even the management of an entire country, the virtual information-based management model is becoming more and more common and deeper and deeper. Information management brings about a kind of "fine, parallel and transparent" management. At the national level, it will mean a new kind of e-government management model. Informatization and e-government have become the trend of the times and cannot be stopped. However, in the process of deepening informatization and e-government, we have to face a large number of difficulties and problems that need to be resolved urgently. Such as a large number of repeated construction and waste; a large number of information islands and chimneys; a large number of reversals and failures, as well as a large number of investment black holes and traps. Informatization and e-government are not just simple applications of information technology, but more importantly, economic and social transformation. This transformation is a long-term process. We need a systematic methodological guidance.The EA (Enterprise Architecture) methodology was born under this background and developed rapidly. At present, there is no unified Chinese translation. The main EA translations are enterprise architecture, architecture, and entity architecture. It is an issue that defines the development of the enterprise from an overall perspective. EA presents the internal structure and relationships of the enterprise from the perspectives of business, data, applications, and technologies, so that stakeholders can make effective efforts on how to build a borderless information flow capability. A discipline of decision-making.

In 1987, Zachman proposed the first architectural framework at the system architecture level, the Zachman framework. The Zachman framework later developed into a classic framework for EA, and Zachman himself is also known as the father of EA. Since then, EA's framework and methodology have been constantly proposed. Currently, the EA framework and methodologies that have a relatively large impact and are widely used are TOGAF, FEA, Zachman, and DoDAF.



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